About Jelecom


Jelecom-Egypt is an Egyptian LTD Company established in 1994.

Jelecom has grown and developed rapidly in two major fields :-

First in the field of new technologies where we can deal with a major international technology provider and distribute its products all over Egypt.

Jelecom can push these new technologies and products in the Egyptian Market very easy and very rapidly.

Second in the field of technical training where we can teach and train our fresh graduated engineers and the students of engineering on this new technology so, we bais all the engineers towards our new products which of course will add a great value to the Egyptian Market and to the Egyptian industry.

Our Philosophy has been, and continues to be, that our success is not only measured in financial terms, but also in our commitment to serving our community.

Our mission is to provide the best quality services and the latest technology solutions for the maximum number of customers, the best working environment for our employees, and top value for our owner.

We believe that:-

. Total quality management is the only way to achieve excellence.

. Customer satisfaction through unparalleled support services .

. Developing alliances and partnerships with local and regional firms is one of the most effective ways to enhance our capabilities.

. Continuous review and auditing is the best way to guarantee consistent output conforming to requirements.

. Keeping our staff up to date through continuous training & certification programs.